TEPS 청해, 1000개의 필수 표현으로 끝낸다!
TEPS 청해, 표현으로 끝내는 『How to TEPS 청해 필수 표현 1000』은 How to TEPS 시리즈로써, 청해에 자주 나오는 100가지 대표 표현과 900여개의 관련 표현을 주제별, 유형별로 정리하였다.
이 책은 TEPS 청해뿐만 아니라 어휘, 기본적인 Speaking 능력 향상에도 도움이 되는 학습서이다. 수록된 표현들을 모두 이해하고 반복하게 되면 실제 시험에 대비하는 감각들이 저절로 향상될 것이다.
★ 종이책 구매시 제공되는 부록 등은 전자책 버전에서는 제공되지 않습니다.
유니스 정
現 이익훈 어학원 TEPS 강사
University of Wisconsin, Madison
New Trier High School, Illinois
민병철 어학원 TEPS 강사
서울대 대학원?TEPS 강사
국방대학교 TEPS 강의 7년
대기업 회화, TOEIC 강의
이 책의 구성
이 책을 마스터 하는 5단계
파트별 핵심 포인트
40가지 TEPS 청해 비법
Part Ⅳ에 자주 쓰이는 문장 20개
Unit 1 인사, 안부, 소개
001 Whats up?
002 Couldnt be better.
003 Dont I know you from somewhere?
004 Fancy meeting you here.
005 Give my best regards to your family.
Unit 2 감사, 사과, 칭찬, 축하
006 I didnt mean to.
007 How nice of you.
008 Pleasure is all mine.
009 It looks great on you.
010 Shes cut out to be a nurse.
011 You deserve it.
012 Thats the way to go.
013 Hang in there.
014 Things happen.
Review Test
Unit 3 초대, 부탁, 조언, 제안
015 Why dont we go out for dinner?
016 Do you mind if I smoke?
017 Can you run an errand for me?
018 I was wondering if youd like to go out on a picnic with me.
019 Let me fix you something to eat.
020 Youd better look after yourself.
021 Its about time we considered hiring more people.
022 Id be glad to.
023 Be my guest.
024 Im afraid I cant make it.
025 Just bring yourself.
026 Give me a break.
Review Test
Unit 4 개인감정(의견), 동의, 반대
027 Im looking forward to it.
028 You can say that again.
029 I wish I were.
030 Thats easier said than done.
031 Not on your life.
032 Its over my head.
033 I havent got a clue.
034 It slipped my mind.
035 Dont take it too hard.
036 Hes bossing me around.
037 I dont feel like going out today.
038 I cant stand him any more.
039 Im not sure if I can figure this out.
040 I had trouble finishing this report.
041 This is the most boring presentation Ive ever heard.
042 I found the movie interesting.
043 I doubt he will pass.
044 Its a shame we have to cancel the barbecue.
045 I cant get along well with Tom.
046 Guess what! I got a raise.
Review Test
Unit 5 전화
047 Id like to speak to Mr. Brown.
048 When do you expect him back?
049 Have him call me back.
050 I tried to reach you all day.
Review Test
Unit 6 교통, 길안내
051 Could you give me a ride?
052 I cant seem to get my car started.
053 I was caught in traffic.
054 You are only allowed to check two bags.
055 We are all booked up.
056 How do I get to your office?
057 Is there a drugstore near here?
Review Test
Unit 7 건강, 병원
058 Im worn out.
059 I feel under the weather today.
060 Im so out of shape.
061 Im supposed to see Dr. Williams today.
062 I wont be discharged until next week.
Review Test
Unit 8 의문사
063 How do you like your new apartment?
064 How long will it take to finish this report?
065 How come my name is not on the list?
066 How did the meeting go?
067 What for?
068 Whats the occasion?
069 Whats the weather like today?
070 What do you have in mind?
071 What brings you here?
072 Whats eating you?
073 What if I fail the test?
074 What took you so long?
075 What should I do about it?
Review Test
Unit 9 장소
076 Im tied up with my work.
077 Ill get it done first thing tomorrow morning.
078 He got sacked.
079 Ill fill in for you.
080 I messed up my math test.
081 I stayed up late studying.
082 Id like to check out these six books.
083 Its on me.
084 Cash, check, or charge?
085 Are you being served?
086 It was a good buy.
087 Can you come down a little?
088 I spent a fortune on it.
089 I cant afford to buy this coat.
Review Test
Unit 10 기타 평서문
090 Youll get used to it.
091 I was so busy that I lost track of time.
092 I want to catch up on sleeping.
093 Ill take care of it.
094 It hasnt worked out at all.
095 Its hard to understand his lecture, isnt it?
096 You can count on me.
097 Something came up.
098 Ill keep you posted.
099 Let me sleep on it.
100 In fact, I do mind you smoking.
Review Test
유형 및 이것만은 알고가자 해석
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Actual Test 1회분 Answer Sheet