직독직해 비법을 공개하는 영문독해
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- 2002-08-27
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- 2002-08-27
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프로그램 수동설치
뷰어프로그램 설치 안내
1. 이 책은 세계의 우수한 석학들의 명문을 85개 정도 발췌·엄선하여 이것들을 근거로 독해(Reading Comprehension)하도록 해석하고 구문을 설명하고, 이것들에서 독해 기본문형(Basic Sentence Patterns)을 추출하였고, 마지막으로 영문을 직독직해 할 수 있도록 직독직해(Direct Reading and Direct Compre-hension at once)연습란을 두어 단계적이고 점진적 학습법을 도입하여 서술하였다. 또한 영문도 짧은 단락(Paragraph)에서 긴 단락으로, 쉬운 영문에서 점차 어려운 영문으로 단계적으로 서술하였다.
2. 어휘(Vocabulary)와 숙어(Phrases)는 아주 기초적인 것부터 자세히 풀이하였고, 기본어와 파생어(Derivatives)를 될 수 있는 한 충분히 기술하였고, 동의어와 동의어구를 함께 실어 어휘의 증진을 하도록 배려하였다.
3. 구문해설(Structure Explanations)은 문장이 어떻게 구성되어 있으며 어떻게 어·구·절간의 상관관계(Corelation)를 이루고 있는가를 명확히 설명하였고, 특히 어려운 문장을 중심으로 해설하였다. 또한 영문법(English Grammar)이 필요한 부분은 문법을 곁들여 설명하였고, 또 이에 맞는 적당한 예문도 함께 실었다.
4. 독해기본문형(Basic Sentence Patterns)을 본문에서 중요하고 꼭 알아야할 것을 추출(Extraction)하여 익히도록 하였고, 이 기본문형은 학습자가 반드시 알아야 가장 중요한 부분이므로 철저히 익혀야 하며, 이것은 본문에 들어가기 전에 warm up을 먼저 하도록 표현·제시한 것이고, 특히 중요한 부분은 볼드(Bold)체로 표현하여 눈에 띄도록 하였다.
5. 직독직해(Direct Reading and Direct Comprehension at once) 연습란은 우리가 영문을 그대로 읽으면서 이해하는, 즉 마치 우리가 우리글을 읽으면서 이해하는것처럼, 영어도 읽음과 동시에 이해할 수 있는 방법을 제시한 것이다.
* 미 메릴랜드대 영문과
* 성신여고 교사
* 숙문고 교사
* 성심, 대일학원 강사
* 청산, 대성학원 강사
* 고려, 한양외국어학원 강사
* 대일외국어학원 원장
* 한국정통영어연구원 원장
* 프라임 기본영어
* 프라임 정설기본영어
* 프라임 기본영어문제집
* 프라임 학력고사영어
* 고교영단어 암기공식
* 비법영단어 암기공식
* 수학능력 영문독해 1,2,3
* 영어회화공식 I, II
* 영작문공식
* 영문법 공식과 급소
* 기초영작문
1. The end of study is not to possess --- JAMES BRYCE
2. The test of a great book --- LAFCADIO HEARN
3. Few peoples have been more often --- EDMUND BLUNDEN
4. No household in the English-speaking world --- G. B. HARRISON
5. To arrange your books on the shelves --- A. A. MILNE
6. Moving homeward by a new way --- GEORGE GISSING
7. The more carefully nature --- THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY
8. To think of the future --- LAFCADIO HEARN
9. In order to master the English --- F. H. LEE
10. When I go into a stranger’s --- ALFRED G. GARDINER
11. A young man wrote to me --- ALFRED G. GARDINER
12. Questions of education --- T. S. ELIOT
13. I doubt if there is anything --- J. B. PRIESTLEY
14. Many times a day I realize --- ALBERT EINSTEIN
15. The happiest time of my boyhood --- W. H. HUDSON
16. Democracy is, historically speaking --- JULIAN HUXLEY
17. The belief that death is a gateway --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
18. The human race has just passed --- LECOMTE DU NOUY
19. It is probable that we have --- WILLIAM H. HUDSON
20. On arriving at Liverpool --- W. H. DAVIES
21. I have often noticed --- SOMERSET MAUGHAM
22. We cannot know too much --- SIMEON POTTER
23. The people I admire --- E. M. FORSTER
24. Human nature does not change--- ALDOUS HUXLEY
25. Our species is the only creative --- JOHN STEINBECK
26. His talents went into his hobbies --- L. P. HARTLEY
27. At present, in the most civilized --- J. B. BURY
28. Most of the work that most people --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
29. The capacity to endure --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
30. Whenever a person who already --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
31. Perhaps it is only in childhood --- GRAHAM GREENE
32. Some people say that their schooldays --- SAMUEL BUTLER
33. Whoever has to deal with young --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
34. There were always several parties --- EVELYN WAUGH
35. With most men the knowledge --- ROBERT LYND
36. A good farmer is always --- LOUIS BROMFIELD
37. One of the most painful --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
38. The commonest form of forgetfulness --- ROBERT LYND
39. The principal reason why he was --- ERSKINE CALDWELL
40. When first I was brought into --- G.L.DICKINSON
41. A well-known publisher --- ALFRED GARDINER
42. As of all other good things --- ALDOUS HUXLEY
43. The European traveller in America --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
44. So intimate is the relation --- A. C. BAUGH
45. The best way to read fiction --- WALTER ALLEN
46. The aim of science --- LECOMTE DU NOUY
47. It is true that the work of the peasant --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
48. Very, very early in my boyhood --- W.H.HUDSON
49. The doctor treats, nature heals. --- ALDOUS HUXLEY
50. Democracy is the highest form --- SIR RICHARD LIVINGSTONE
51. We all go through life --- ALFRED G.GARDINER
52. Spoken words are more exciting --- ALDOUS HUXLEY
53. We regard it as proper --- ROBERT OPPENHEIMER
54. Among the many living forms --- LOGAN PEARSALL SMITH
55. If a writer of prose know --- ERNEST HEMINGWAY
56. Like actors, politicians --- LORD PONSONBY
57. I cannot but think that --- THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY
58. I have a good memory --- SOMERSET MAUGHAM
59. In calling upon governments --- G.D.H. COLE
60. My mother had a good deal --- MARK TWAIN
61. Children’s pleasure in exploring --- JOYCE CARY
62. To see things and happenings --- SIR J.A THOMSON
63. Once the young birds can fly --- VIRGINIA WOOLF
64. The original artist who counts --- JOYCE CARY
65. For the sea as a whole --- RACHEL CARSON
66. In my younger and more --- F. SCOTT FITZGERALD
67. Not the least of the Zoological Gardens’ --- E. V. LUCAS
68. Now and again I have horrible --- J. B. PRIESTLEY
69. No man can work long at any --- ANTHONY TROLLOPE
70. As the child grows in --- GEOFFREY GORER
71. I have always taken it for --- ROBERT LYND
72. Wellington is said to have chosen --- A. A. MILNE
73. There are times in every man’s --- G. H. MAIR
74. Science may be defined --- ALDOUS HUXLEY
75. The whole world of art --- BERTRAND RUSSELL
76. The most beautiful thing --- ALBERT EINSTEIN
77. Plato has written about --- HERBERT READ
78. Perhaps the most obvious way --- JULIAN HUXLEY
79. To me it seems that youth --- SAMUEL BUTLER
80. A stout old lady was walking --- ALFRED G. GARDINER
81. Very early in our childhood --- LADY GERTRUDE WILLIAMS
82. One day when I was about ten --- CLARENCE DAY
83. Friendship is above reason --- A. CLUTTON-BROCK
84. The other day a well-known English --- ARNOLD BENNETT
85. Dora stopped listening --- IRIS MURDOCH