The Resaon Korea Will Always Lose to Americal
Genre: Critique
By Oh Yeun-Ho
Hainaim Publishing / 328 p. / June 1998
About the Author
Oh Yeun-Ho - Born 1964 in Junnam Goksung and graduated Yonsei University majoring in Korean
He completed a postgraduate course on journalism at the Regent College in the United States. Well
known for his expose on the dark relations between Korea and America, the anti-American reporter
went to America to learn more the country. Whilst his stay in America, author worked as the
Washington reporter for a monthly magazine [Word], and at the MBC Radio station program [World is
Now] to report of what Americans thought of America. He caused a great sensation. His works include
[To My Colony Son], [Do Not Sadden Us Further], [The Rejuvenation of Imjin River], [Finding Hidden
Pictures in our Modern History], etc. He worked as reporter for a monthly magazine [Word], and
currently he runs an Internet news site Oh My News (