white eagle (True love)
It has been a long time since I composed “White Eagle”. I just wanted to express my deep impression towards the book I read before called “The Dream Giver”, but ironically it became an another story that builds another emotion.
As always, brainstorming is my first step when composing a story. However, the story does not always end as it was planned. The “White Eagle” is an example of this case, the first idea of the white eagle was to make a virtual character that delivers dreams to children but in the end, it became a character that reflects the love that was hiding inside me. I hope everyone to feel the same way. Feel sulky and laugh with the white eagle by synchronizing with the white eagle. Find the emotion of love that is hiding in your heart.I am sending a white eagle to deliver my message of wishing for everyone to find the god’s love in their heart and for that love to blossom.
시몬의 선물(이새의 나무)
가스펠의 천국여행기(투더헤븐)
예수님이 좋아요 편집기자(두란노)
파이디온 선교회 자료집 동화집필
파이디온 선교회 "꿈을 주시는 분", "꿈이 뛰고 있어요", "내 마음의 집" 작사
아바프레이즈 해피송 중 "십계명송", "예수님이 정말 최고예요" 작사
주동화 총무
EBS 고운노래발표회 우수상 "실잠자리"작사
색동회 전국 어른이 어린이에게 들려주는 동화구연대회 소파상 수상
현재도 많은 강의와 집필활동을 왕성하게 하고 있음.