『TOEFL MAP ACTUAL TEST: WRITING』은 토플의 최신 경향을 반영한 라이팅 설전모의고사 24회분을 수록하였고, 고득점으로 이어지는 노트테이킹 요령 및 브레인스토밍을 위한 가이드를 제공한다. 또한 필수적인 작문 및 문법 사항을 제시하고, 해당 문제와 관련된 다양한 토픽을 제공하며 모든 문제에 대한 모범 답안을 수록하였다.
저자 Susan Kim
- BA, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- TOEFL instructor at Kaplan, Korea
저자 Michael A. Putlack
- MA in History, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA
- Expert test developer of TOEFL, TOEIC, and TEPS
Actual Test 01Integrated TaskAmerican History: Robert E. PearyIndependent TaskEnvironmentActual Test 02Integrated TaskSociology: The Privatization of InfrastructureIndependent TaskGovernment's RoleActual Test 03Integrated TaskArchaeology: Mima MoundsIndependent TaskAlone vs. TogetherActual Test 04Integrated TaskPsychology: Reasons for SleepIndependent TaskTravelingActual Test 05Integrated TaskForestry: Prescribed BurnsIndependent TaskHobbiesActual Test 06Integrated TaskAnthropology: The Amazon River BasinIndependent TaskSocietyActual Test 07Integrated TaskHistory: The Origin of the EtruscansIndependent TaskMediaActual Test 08Integrated TaskZoology: MarsupialsIndependent TaskStudents' RoleActual Test 09Integrated TaskAnthropology: The Origin of Native AmericansIndependent TaskMonetary ValueActual Test 10Integrated TaskArchaeology: The Construction of the PyramidsIndependent TaskProblem SolvingActual Test 11Integrated TaskFood Technology: Food IrradiationIndependent TaskPast vs. PresentActual Test 12Integrated TaskEcology: Alternative EnergyIndependent TaskChildren's RoleActual Test 13Integrated TaskZoology: BonobosIndependent TaskCountryActual Test 14Integrated TaskAnthropology: The Harappan CivilizationIndependent TaskParents' RoleActual Test 15Integrated TaskAstronomy: Existence of Life on MarsIndependent TaskSingle vs. MultipleActual Test 16Integrated TaskMeteorology: The Eocene WarmingIndependent TaskMiscellaneousActual Test 17Integrated TaskZoology: Animal Play BehaviorIndependent TaskSelf-DisciplineActual Test 18Integrated TaskGeology: The Little Ice AgeIndependent TaskMethodActual Test 19Integrated TaskEducation: Online Degree ProgramIndependent TaskTechnologyActual Test 20Integrated TaskAnthropology: The Mayan EmpireIndependent TaskTeacher's RoleActual Test 21Integrated TaskPaleogology: The Functions of a Dinosaur's CrestIndependent TaskYoung PeopleActual Test 22Integrated TaskBiology: A Narwhal's TuskIndependent TaskFuture LifeActual Test 23Integrated TaskAnthropology: The Origin of DogsIndependent TaskChallengeActual Test 24Integrated TaskGeography: Carolina BaysIndependent TaskValue