곤쌤 유튜브 채널 〈곤쌤의 액팅글리시〉에서 생생한 영어표현과 효율적인 영어 학습 노하우를 아낌없이 전수하고 있는 영어 강사이다. 역동적인 강의와 진정성 있는 설명으로 학습자의 열렬한 지지를 받고 있다. 한때는 영화배우로 활동했을 정도로 넘치는 끼를 자랑하는 저자는 LA로 넘어가 할리우드 진출을 꿈꾸기도 했다. 비록 성공하지는 못했지만 미국 현지에서 생활하는 동안 영어의 매력에 흠뻑 빠졌고, 한국에 돌아와서는 현지에서 익힌 생생한 영어를 전달하고 싶어서 영어 강사로 활동하기 시작했다. 종로 YBM과 글로벌 어학원에서 영어회화를 가르쳤으며, YBM 〈미드 단숨에 따라듣기〉, Edu TV 〈더토익 보카 레벨 제로〉, MBEST 〈쿠잉〉, EBSlang 〈플라이하이 발음연구소〉 등의 온라인 강의에도 참여했다. 현재는 학습자들의 영어 실력을 효과적으로 높일 수 있는 질 좋은 영어 학습 콘텐츠 연구·제작에 힘쓰고 있으며, 더 나은 영어 교육 전문가가 되기 위해 사이버 한국외국어대학교에서 TESOL 대학원 과정을 밟고 있다.
1st Week DAY 001 Have you ever p.p. ~? DAY 002 It’s difficult to ~. DAY 003 It seems that ~. DAY 004 How long have you p.p. ~? DAY 005 I wish + 주어 + 과거동사 ~. ■ look 구동사 2nd Week DAY 006 I’m dying to ~. DAY 007 I want you to ~. DAY 008 You’d better ~. DAY 009 There’s no way ~. DAY 010 This is the first time I’ve p.p. ~. ■ put 구동사 3rd Week DAY 011 I’m not in the mood for ~. DAY 012 I was just about to ~. DAY 013 I knew you’d ~. DAY 014 You must have p.p. ~. DAY 015 I told you to ~. ■ give 구동사 4th Week DAY 016 I was busy -ing ~. DAY 017 Make sure that ~. DAY 018 I’m sick of ~. DAY 019 What’s the point of -ing ~? DAY 020 I was told to ~. ■ go 구동사 5th Week DAY 021 I can’t wait to ~. DAY 022 I didn’t mean to ~. DAY 023 It’s no use -ing ~. DAY 024 I’ve always wanted to ~. DAY 025 Don’t hesitate to ~. ■ take 구동사 6th Week DAY 026 I used to ~. DAY 027 I can’t stop -ing ~. DAY 028 It’s worth -ing ~. DAY 029 I’m in the middle of -ing ~. DAY 000 It doesn’t hurt to ~. ■ get 구동사 7th Week DAY 031 I can’t help -ing ~. DAY 032 You’re not allowed to ~. DAY 033 Is it okay if I ~? DAY 034 I never thought I would ~. DAY 035 When was the last time ~? ■ turn 구동사 8th Week DAY 036 I’m used to -ing ~. DAY 037 Is there any chance ~? DAY 038 It doesn’t matter if ~. DAY 039 I’m willing to ~. DAY 040 Don’t bother to ~. ■ bring 구동사 9th Week DAY 041 I made my best effort to ~. DAY 042 I managed to ~. DAY 043 I was wondering if you could ~. DAY 044 I was thinking about -ing ~. DAY 045 I can’t thank you enough for ~. ■ keep 구동사 10th Week DAY 046 How long does it take to ~? DAY 047 How come you ~? DAY 048 I’m sure that ~. DAY 049 Don’t forget that ~. DAY 050 It’s been a long time since ~. ■ fall 구동사 11th Week DAY 051 I have a feeling that ~. DAY 052 It’s a shame that ~. DAY 053 There’s no excuse for -ing ~. DAY 054 I’m embarrassed that ~. DAY 055 What’s worse is that ~. ■ come 구동사 12th Week DAY 056 All I know is that ~. DAY 057 I have no doubt that ~. DAY 058 What I’m saying is that ~. DAY 059 There’s no need to ~. DAY 060 Let’s say that ~. ■ break 구동사 13th Week DAY 061 If only I could ~. DAY 062 Feel free to ~. DAY 063 I didn’t expect to ~. DAY 064 What if ~? DAY 065 What’s the harm in -ing ~? ■ cut 구동사 14th Week DAY 066 What do you say we ~? DAY 067 Can you help me ~? DAY 068 It bothers me that ~. DAY 069 It’s not like you ~. DAY 070 How dare you ~! ■ stand 구동사 15th Week DAY 071 I’m itching to ~. DAY 072 I’m telling you, ~. DAY 073 I can’t bring myself to ~. DAY 074 I was wrong to ~. DAY 075 You have every right to ~. ■ hang 구동사 16th Week DAY 076 Why would I ~? DAY 077 I just found out that ~. DAY 078 I’d appreciate it if you could ~. DAY 079 It’s my job to ~. DAY 080 All you have to do is ~. ■ run 구동사 17th Week DAY 081 I should have p.p. ~. DAY 082 Do you happen to know if ~? DAY 083 I doubt that ~. DAY 084 There’s no reason to ~. DAY 085 It’s your turn to ~. ■ carry 구동사 18th Week DAY 086 I’d rather die than ~. DAY 087 I’m having a hard time -ing ~. DAY 088 I’m relieved that ~. DAY 089 I have no choice but to ~. DAY 090 I’ll do anything but ~. ■ blow 구동사 19th Week DAY 091 It takes a while to ~. DAY 092 I hope you ~. DAY 093 I happened to ~. DAY 094 I regret that I ~. DAY 095 I’m so ashamed that ~. ■ pull 구동사 20th Week DAY 096 I must admit that ~. DAY 097 I stayed up all night -ing ~. DAY 098 What a surprise to ~! DAY 099 It is said that ~. DAY 100 I feel like -ing ~. ■ work 구동사